cc: assembler failed for tmp-divrem_2.s

Dennis Clarke dclarke at
Mon Mar 29 14:10:47 CEST 2010

> Dennis Clarke <dclarke at> writes:
>   wow .. that's really old and out of date.
>   I have this :
>   $ cc -V
>   cc: Sun C 5.8 Patch 121016-08 2009/04/20
> Sorry, that was from an even older (sparc) machine.  This is from the
> PC:
>   cc: Sun C 5.10 SunOS_i386 2009/06/03
>   usage: cc [ options] files.  Use 'cc -flags' for details
> So, I suppose my compiler is newer than yours.  Which means Sun has
> fixed the bug.

I'll see your 5.10 22009/06/03 and raise you these :

$ uname -a
SunOS mercury 5.10 Generic_142900-07 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-2500
$ ls /opt/studio/*/SUNWspro/bin/cc
/opt/studio/SOS12.1/SUNWspro/bin/cc  /opt/studio/SOS12/SUNWspro/bin/cc
$ /opt/studio/SOS12/SUNWspro/bin/cc -V
cc: Sun C 5.9 SunOS_sparc Patch 124867-13 2010/03/09
usage: cc [ options] files.  Use 'cc -flags' for details
$ /opt/studio/SOS12.1/SUNWspro/bin/cc -V
cc: Sun C 5.10 SunOS_sparc Patch 141861-03 2009/12/03
usage: cc [ options] files.  Use 'cc -flags' for details

>   The problem is probably with as, the assembler. But I'm guessing.
> Yes, in whatever assembler the compiler invokes.
>   > Can their tools cope with "xor %dl,%al" and "and %dl,%al"?
>   > How about "orb %dl,%al"  "xorb %dl,%al" and "andb %dl,%al"?
> Could you please check this?  It is enough to insert them in an
> (otherwise) empty file called e.g., foo.s and the feed that to the
> naughty compiler.

sure ... I'll have a look at that.

> I might be able to work around this.
> And BTW, what assembly code does this C code get (using cc -O -S):
> char foo (char *bar) { return bar[0] | bar[1]; }

How about this :

$ cat -n foo.c
     1  #include <stdio.h>
     3  char    foo (char *foo);
     5  int
     6  main(int argc, char *argv[])
     7  {
     8          char    a[2] = { 'a', 'b' };
     9          char    b[1];
    10          b[0] = ( char ) foo ( a );
    12          fprintf ( stderr, "\n b[0] = 0x%02xh\n", b[0] );
    14          return (0);
    15  }
    17  char    foo (char *bar)
    18  {
    19          return bar[0] | bar[1];
    20  }

$ cc -\# -H -c -S -o foo.s foo.c
### Note: NLSPATH =
###     command line files and options (expanded):
### -H -S foo.c -o foo.s
/opt/SUNWspro/prod/bin/acomp -xldscope=global -i foo.c -y-fbe
-y/opt/SUNWspro/prod/bin/fbe -y-xarch=generic -y-S -yfoo.s -y-verbose
-y-xthreadvar=no%dynamic -y-comdat -xdbggen=no%stabs+dwarf2+usedonly -H
-fparam_ir -Qy -D__SunOS_5_8 -D__SUNPRO_C=0x580 -D__SVR4 -D__unix -D__sun
-xc99=%all,no%lib -D__FLT_EVAL_METHOD__=-1 -I/opt/SUNWspro/prod/include/cc
"-g/opt/SUNWspro/prod/bin/cc -H -c -S " -fsimple=0 -destination_ir=yabe
$ wc -l foo.s
     161 foo.s
$ cc -o foo foo.s
$ ./foo

 b[0] = 0x63h

$ cat -n foo.s
     2          .section        .text,"ax"
     3          .align  4
     5          .globl  main
     6          .type   main, at function
     7          .align  16
     8  main:
     9          pushl   %ebp
    10          movl    %esp,%ebp
    11          subl    $8,%esp
    12  .L13:
    14  / File foo.c:
    15  / Line 8
    16          movsbl  .L15,%eax
    17          movb    %al,-6(%ebp)
    18          movsbl  .L15+1,%eax
    19          movb    %al,-5(%ebp)
    20  / Line 10
    21          lea     -6(%ebp), %eax
    22          pushl   %eax
    23          call    foo
    24          addl    $4,%esp
    25          movb    %al,-7(%ebp)
    26  / Line 12
    27          movsbl  -7(%ebp), %eax
    28          pushl   %eax
    29          pushl   $.L16+0
    30          pushl   $__iob+32
    31          call    fprintf
    32          addl    $12,%esp
    33  / Line 14
    34          movl    $0, -4(%ebp)
    35          jmp     .L12
    36          .align  4
    37  .L12:
    38          movl    -4(%ebp), %eax
    39          leave
    40          ret
    41          .size   main,.-main
    42          .align  4
    44          .globl  foo
    45          .type   foo, at function
    46          .align  16
    47  foo:
    48          pushl   %ebp
    49          movl    %esp,%ebp
    50          subl    $4,%esp
    51  .L19:
    53  / File foo.c:
    54  / Line 19
    55          movl    8(%ebp), %eax
    56          movsbl  0(%eax), %edx
    57          movl    8(%ebp), %eax
    58          movsbl  1(%eax), %eax
    59          orl     %eax, %edx
    60          movb    %dl,-1(%ebp)
    61          jmp     .L18
    62          .align  4
    63  .L18:
    64          movsbl  -1(%ebp), %eax
    65          leave
    66          ret
    67          .size   foo,.-foo
    69          .section        .bss,"aw"
    70  Bbss.bss:
    71          .type   Bbss.bss, at object
    72          .size   Bbss.bss,0
    74          .section        .data,"aw"
    76          .type, at object
    77          .size,0
    79          .section        .rodata,"a"
    80  Drodata.rodata:
    81          .type   Drodata.rodata, at object
    82          .size   Drodata.rodata,0
    83  .L15:
    84          .byte   0x61,0x62
    85          .type   .L15, at object
    86          .size   .L15,2
    88          .section        .rodata1,"a"
    89          .align  4
    90  .L16:
    91          .byte   0xa,0x20,0x62,0x5b,0x30,0x5d,0x20,0x3d,0x20,0x30
    92          .byte   0x78,0x25,0x30,0x32,0x78,0x68,0xa,0x0
    93          .type   .L16, at object
    94          .size   .L16,18
    95          .type   fprintf, at function
    97          .file   "foo.c"
    98          .ident  "@(#)stdio.h    1.78    99/12/08 SMI"
    99          .ident  "@(#)stdio_iso.h        1.2     99/10/25 SMI"
   100          .ident  "@(#)feature_tests.h    1.18    99/07/26 SMI"
   101          .ident  "@(#)isa_defs.h 1.20    99/05/04 SMI"
   102          .ident  "@(#)va_list.h  1.12    99/05/04 SMI"
   103          .ident  "@(#)stdio_tag.h        1.3     98/04/20 SMI"
   104          .ident  "@(#)stdio_impl.h       1.8     99/06/10 SMI"
   105          .ident  "acomp: Sun C 5.8 Patch 121016-08 2009/04/20"
   107          .globl  __fsr_init_value
   108  __fsr_init_value = 0x0
   109  /  Begin sdCreateSection : .debug_info
   110  /  Section Info: link_name/strtab=, entsize=0x1, adralign=0x1,
   111  /  Section Data Blocks:
   112  /   reloc[0]: knd=2, off=6, siz=4, lab1=.debug_abbrev, lab2=, loff=0
   113  /   reloc[1]: knd=2, off=164, siz=4, lab1=.debug_line, lab2=, loff=0
   114          .section .debug_info
   115          .byte 0xa8,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00
   116          .4byte .debug_abbrev
   117          .byte 0x04,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00
   118          .byte 0x00,0x00,0x66,0x6f,0x6f,0x2e,0x63,0x00
   119          .byte 0x0c,0x2f,0x6f,0x70,0x74,0x2f,0x63,0x73
   120          .byte 0x77,0x2f,0x73,0x72,0x63,0x2f,0x47,0x4e
   121          .byte 0x55,0x2f,0x74,0x65,0x73,0x74,0x00,0x20
   122          .byte 0x2f,0x6f,0x70,0x74,0x2f,0x53,0x55,0x4e
   123          .byte 0x57,0x73,0x70,0x72,0x6f,0x2f,0x70,0x72
   124          .byte 0x6f,0x64,0x2f,0x62,0x69,0x6e,0x2f,0x63
   125          .byte 0x63,0x20,0x2d,0x48,0x20,0x2d,0x63,0x20
   126          .byte 0x2d,0x53,0x20,0x20,0x66,0x6f,0x6f,0x2e
   127          .byte 0x63,0x00,0x58,0x61,0x3b,0x52,0x3d,0x53
   128          .byte 0x75,0x6e,0x20,0x43,0x20,0x35,0x2e,0x38
   129          .byte 0x20,0x50,0x61,0x74,0x63,0x68,0x20,0x31
   130          .byte 0x32,0x31,0x30,0x31,0x36,0x2d,0x30,0x38
   131          .byte 0x20,0x32,0x30,0x30,0x39,0x2f,0x30,0x34
   132          .byte 0x2f,0x32,0x30,0x3b,0x62,0x61,0x63,0x6b
   133          .byte 0x65,0x6e,0x64,0x3b,0x72,0x61,0x77,0x3b
   134          .byte 0x63,0x64,0x3b,0x00,0x44,0x42,0x47,0x5f
   135          .byte 0x47,0x45,0x4e,0x20,0x35,0x2e,0x30,0x2e
   136          .byte 0x38,0x00
   137          .4byte .debug_line
   138          .byte 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
   139  /  End sdCreateSection
   140  /  Begin sdCreateSection : .debug_line
   141  /  Section Info: link_name/strtab=, entsize=0x1, adralign=0x1,
   142  /  Section Data Blocks:
   143          .section .debug_line
   144          .byte 0x35,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x2f,0x00
   145          .byte 0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0xff,0x04,0x0a,0x00
   146          .byte 0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01
   147          .byte 0x2f,0x6f,0x70,0x74,0x2f,0x63,0x73,0x77
   148          .byte 0x2f,0x73,0x72,0x63,0x2f,0x47,0x4e,0x55
   149          .byte 0x2f,0x74,0x65,0x73,0x74,0x00,0x00,0x66
   150          .byte 0x6f,0x6f,0x2e,0x63,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00
   151          .byte 0x00
   152  /  End sdCreateSection
   153  /  Begin sdCreateSection : .debug_abbrev
   154  /  Section Info: link_name/strtab=, entsize=0x1, adralign=0x1,
   155  /  Section Data Blocks:
   156          .section .debug_abbrev
   157          .byte 0x01,0x11,0x00,0x11,0x01,0x12,0x01,0x03
   158          .byte 0x08,0x13,0x0b,0x1b,0x08,0x85,0x44,0x08
   159          .byte 0x87,0x44,0x08,0x25,0x08,0x10,0x06,0x00
   160          .byte 0x00,0x00
   161  /  End sdCreateSection

>   > The file mpn/x86/divrem_2.asm will then be chosen, and it indeed
>   > contains some "or" instructions with byte registers.
>   Is there a way for force the usage of the more portable "generic" C
> sources?
> Sure, and this is documented, please read the fine manual.  :-)

oookay. It's way to late or early for me to go digging. I'll do that later

Let me know if the above asm output was of any value.

Dennis Clarke
dclarke at  <- Email related to the open source Solaris
dclarke at   <- Email related to open source for Solaris

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