Compile error: 4.3.0 + Tru64 cc

Daniel Richard G. skunk at iSKUNK.ORG
Fri May 1 19:54:24 CEST 2009

On Fri, 2009 May 01 10:05:22 +0200, Torbjorn Granlund wrote:
> I reworked the way mpn_neg_n is handled.
> I would appreciate of you tried the new solution.
> Please download the current code, either using mercurial (see
> or simply download a snapshot (

I tried the gmp-4.3.0-20090501 snapshot. Everything builds without error, 
the ar(1) warnings are gone, and the "make check" tests all pass. (This is 
with a default configuration, again using Tru64's native C compiler and my 
own release-mode flags.)

Thank you for the fixes :)


NAME   = Daniel Richard G.       ##  Remember, skunks       _\|/_  meef?
EMAIL1 = skunk at        ##  don't smell bad---    (/o|o\) /
EMAIL2 = skunk at      ##  it's the people who   < (^),>
WWW    = http://www.******.org/  ##  annoy them that do!    /   \
(****** = site not yet online)

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