Unable to run "make check" on Solaris 10

Tim Cook - PAE Tim.Cook at Sun.COM
Sun Mar 8 20:03:34 CET 2009

My apologies - I intended to add 2 logfiles, which are now attached:

- make.plain.1.out.gz
	Output of the "make" step
- make_check.plain.1.out
	Output of the "make check" step


Tim Cook - PAE wrote:
> My build environment is:
>     Solaris 10 10/08, Intel platform
>     GCC 3.4.3
> ./configure ABI=32
> Despite multiple variations of setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LDFLAGS and 
> LD_OPTIONS to provide access to libgmp.so.3 (including putting the .libs 
> directory where libgmp has just been built in LD_LIBRARY_PATH), "make 
> check" consistently fails when attempting to run any of the test 
> binaries, like this:
> make  check-TESTS
> ld.so.1: t-bswap: fatal: libgmp.so.3: open failed: No such file or 
> directory
> bash: line 4: 25532 Killed                  ${dir}$tst
> Now, one workaround did work, which was to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32 to the 
> appropriate directories.  This indicates that the build/test framework 
> is discarding or resetting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
> It is not appropriate to require users/testers of libgmp.so to set any 
> environment variable in order for things to work, so IMHO this is a bug.
> Regards,
> Tim
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