[karapas at gmail.com: Bug report for GMP-4.3.0]

Paul Zimmermann Paul.Zimmermann at loria.fr
Sat Apr 25 09:58:45 CEST 2009

Victor Shoup, the author of NTL, told me that NTL do use only the mpn layer
of GMP, thus clearly mpf is not concerned.

I tried configuring NTL 5.5 without GMP, and the problem does not occur.

I tried configuring NTL 5.5 with GMP 4.2.4 and the problem does not occur
(I linked LLLTest statically to GMP).

I tried configuring NTL 5.5 with GMP 4.3.0, and the problem does occur.
(with LLLTest linked statically to GMP).

All tests on a Core2 under Fedora 10.

Thus I confirm the difference between GMP 4.2.4 and GMP 4.3.0, but I guess
Victor should first isolate the problem.

Paul Zimmermann

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