Failure in the GMP test suite (ARM processor)

Jim Francis francis at
Wed Sep 13 22:52:02 CEST 2006

I'm getting an intermittent failure in one of the tests in the GMP 4.2.1
test suite.

Hardware:  ATMEL AT91RM9200 chip (an ARM-9 processor)

Operating system:  Linux kernel

Compiler suite:  GCC 3.4.1  with  GLIBC 2.3.2
                 This is an ARM cross-compiler running on an i686 machine
with Linux 2.6.4 kernel

Compilation process:
     ==>  configure  --host=arm-linux  --build=i686-linux  --enable-cxx
     ==>  make clean
     ==>  make
     ==>  cd tests/mpz
     ==>  make check

     Because the source is being cross-compiled, the various tests will not
execute locally,
     so they must be loaded onto our hardware platform and run from there.

Problem:  One of the tests, mpz/t-pow, is intermittently failing.  I'm
attaching a sample output file from a run which attempts this test 20 times
and experiences 5 failures.

Other info:  Of the 136 tests in the test suite (including the 14 under the
cxx subdirectory), this is the only one which has failed.  Repeated runs of
this test seem to indicate a 20-25% failure rate.  Because the failures are
intermittent, I'm more inclined to believe the problem concerns the GMP
library's interaction with the ARM chip rather than the GCC compiler suite.

Thank you,
Jim Francis
Software Engineer
Telsource Corporation

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