GMP, C++ and extern "C"

Gabriel Dos Reis gdr at
Tue Nov 21 22:11:42 CET 2006

nisse at (Niels Möller) writes:

| Emmanuel Thomé <Emmanuel.Thome at> writes:
| > The ``recommended'' way of doing things is:
| [...]
| > 	#idef	__cplusplus
| > 	extern "C" {
| > 	#endif
| > Modify nettle.h that way, I suspect your life will be easier.
| I take it there's no chance of gmp supporting
|   extern "C" {
|     #include <gmp.h>
|   }
| ?

I don't believe that is a practice to make people believe it is OK to use.
So why press for GMP to do it?  However, it makes sense to get GMP be

-- Gaby

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