GMP «Arithmetic without limitations» GMP up status of test systems
Last modified: 2025-03-12 01:30 UTC
Current power draw

The 4 sections below are:

  1. Always-on systems
  2. Timer controlled systems
  3. PDU controlled systems
  4. Currently always off systems
Green means that the system is powered-on.
Yellow means that the system is powered-on and is running automated tests.
Red means that the system is off.
2025-03-02 01:30 2025-03-12 01:30 beagle beagle nanom4 nanom4 nanot2 nanot2 odc1 odc1 odc2 odc2 odn2 odn2 odxu4 odxu4 odc4 odc4 pi1 pi1 pi2 pi2 pi3 pi3 pi4 pi4 pi5 pi5 tinker tinker sys sys m1 m1 parks parks tambo tambo element element bwl bwl k10 k10 trm trm ald ald minivy minivy suri suri bd2 bd2 bt2 bt2 wsm wsm sky sky pnr pnr k8 k8 mati mati slm slm cnr cnr bt1 bt1 verm verm sbr sbr bd1 bd1 roc roc piri piri hwl hwl nhm nhm plm plm gege gege bd4 bd4 raph raph spigg spigg maxim maxim glm glm olympic olympic labrador labrador hwlna hwlna skyna skyna dupont dupont