Though I have been successful in creating 2-D arrays in GNU MP which is as follows:<br><br>mpz_t A[N][N];<br><br>mpz_array_init(A[0][0], NOC, SIZE);<br><br>I was not successful in passing this 2-D array to a function. Can anyone please suggest how to achieve this. <br>
<br>I have tried some constructs. Say, this construct <br>********************************<br>func(&A);<br><br>void func( mpz_t *A) <br>{ }<br>********************************<br><br>does not work. Neither does this one<br>
<br>********************************<br><br>func(A);<br><br>void func( mpz_t A[ ][ ])<br>{ }<br><br>*******************************<br><br>work out. <br><br>-- <br>Souvik Bhattacherjee<br><br>