libgmp-3.dll.dll is missing

Andreas Fabri andreas.fabri at
Thu Mar 4 17:11:52 CET 2010


I want to use the shared version of GMP generated with MinGW in an 
application using VC++.

I created it calling in msys:

configure --disable-static --enable-shared

I then followed the instructions on the page
in order to generate the .lib file:

  cd .libs
  lib /def:libgmp-3.dll.def /out:libgmp-3.lib

When I link with libgmp-3.lib, and then run the executable
I get the following error message

   "The program can't start because libgmp-3.dll.dll is missing."

Renaming libgmp-10.dll to the expected name solves the
problem, but I guess that's not the way it should be.

Did I misunderstand something in the manual?

Best regards,

Andreas Fabri

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