GMP on MacOS

Minh Nguyen
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 11:00:05 -0800 (PST)

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Hi all, I'm building GMP shared library on MacOS. Everything worked fine. Here is the library listing

#### SNIP ####

rhea 11% ls -l $HOME/gmp-4.1/.libs

-rwxr-xr-x 1 mnguyen maple 1372168 Dec 5 14:54 libgmp.3.3.0.dylib*

lrwxr-xr-x 1 mnguyen maple 18 Dec 5 14:54 libgmp.3.dylib@ -> libgmp.3.3.0.dylib

lrwxr-xr-x 1 mnguyen maple 18 Dec 5 14:54 libgmp.dylib@ -> libgmp.3.3.0.dylib

#### SNIP #### 

I then set the Dynamic Library Path to include the GMP path

rhea 12 % set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/gmp-4.1/.libs"

Next, I compile a test program 

rhea 14 % gcc -g -I $HOME/gmp-4.1/ -o add_test add_test.c -L$HOME/gmp-4.1/.libs -lgmp

The test program was compiled fine. However, when I tried to run the program I got this error. 

#### SNIP #### 

rhea 15 % ./add_test 100

dyld: ./add_test can't open library: /usr/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib (No such file or directory, errno = 2)

#### SNIP ####

It looks like that the path "/usr/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib" was embedded in the shared library libgmp.3.3.0.dylib. But why the error message? After all, libgmp.3.dylib is just a symbolic link to libgmp.3.3.0.dylib right? So why bother to find this link when the shared library has been found. Anyone knows how to get around this?




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<FONT size=2>
<P>Hi all, I'm building GMP shared library on MacOS. Everything worked fine. Here is the library listing</P>
<P>#### SNIP ####</P>
<P>rhea 11% ls -l $HOME/gmp-4.1/.libs</P>
<P>-rwxr-xr-x 1 mnguyen maple 1372168 Dec 5 14:54 libgmp.3.3.0.dylib*</P>
<P>lrwxr-xr-x 1 mnguyen maple 18 Dec 5 14:54 libgmp.3.dylib@ -&gt; libgmp.3.3.0.dylib</P>
<P>lrwxr-xr-x 1 mnguyen maple 18 Dec 5 14:54 libgmp.dylib@ -&gt; libgmp.3.3.0.dylib</P>
<P>#### SNIP #### </P>
<P>I then set the Dynamic Library Path to include the GMP path</P>
<P>rhea 12 % set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/gmp-4.1/.libs"</P>
<P>Next, I compile a test program </P>
<P>rhea 14 % gcc -g -I $HOME/gmp-4.1/ -o add_test add_test.c -L$HOME/gmp-4.1/.libs -lgmp</P>
<P>The test program was compiled fine. However, when I tried to run the program I got this error. </P>
<P>#### SNIP #### </P>
<P>rhea 15 % ./add_test 100</P>
<P>dyld: ./add_test can't open library: /usr/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib (No such file or directory, errno = 2)</P>
<P>#### SNIP ####</P>
<P>It looks like that the path "/usr/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib" was embedded in the shared library libgmp.3.3.0.dylib. But why the error message? After all, libgmp.3.dylib is just a symbolic link to libgmp.3.3.0.dylib right? So why bother to find this link when the shared library has been found. Anyone knows how to get around this?</P>
<P>Thanks, </P>
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